Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 3

THE 7:54 MOMENT: Yep, movies were a challenge – no butter popcorn, no coke, and no chocolate!!! (Groaaaan.) Water and dried apricots where no substitute but I deliberately chose to enjoy them for what they were, and you know what – I survived. (I also survived having to be organized by actually having them ready to take, lol.)

The other drag today was our breakfast. We usually have eggs and bacon or croissants, for our Sat morning start (mouth is watering as I write this...sob). I missed this food particularly as our effort to make something ultra yummy was a disaster. I am hitting the recipe sites TODAY!!!

Sat is also our dessert night and I was really happy, evident by the ‘BIG YUM’ with how it tasted.

Last night and tonight, after dinner and the kiddies have gone to bed I am comforting my sugar/chocolate crave with warm water. Sounds weird but the whole reason I was addicted to chocolate is about the night ‘my time’, ‘kid free time’, ‘tired’ time moment!!!
Shamefully, I think... "did I even enjoy the taste of the chocolate???" I think it had become a gobble ‘thing’ rather than a real savor moment. The warmth of the water is actually comforting to hold, and doing my insides good too.
I think it is ok to want comfort but not in the form of senseless, no feeling, gobble activities, what do you think???
This is why I am stripping our food back to the simple and enjoying the moment, really being in it for what it is - that is the feast! (does all that make sense?)

Breakfast: We decided to have scrambled eggs on glut free wrap breads. Oh dear me, the wraps did not work for whatever reason, temperamental little dudes aren’t they!!! – Ever chomped on cardboard? 
And, we never got to the scrambled eggs as we wasted too much time trying to figure out what had gone wrong with the wraps.
Our girls ended up having left over rice from last night (they love rice), I had an apple, hubby had –he’s not sure... hmmmm... (Suspicious moment). We all had our yummy fresh juice.

Lunch: Was great. Rocket, boiled eggs halved, cucumber, onion and toasted almonds, all tossed in a bowl drizzled with a splash of olive oil and plated with a dob of greek yogurt, oh and a few basil leaves thrown in for luck.

Afternoon Tea: Ok I am so over soy milk coffee!!!
I am not a soy fan outside of cooking with it. Hmmm might need to try rice milk but kids are loving it, maybe I am just over all types of milk.

Dinner: Oven roast potatoes in jackets, cooked in olive oil, oregano, and a touch of paprika spice. Side salad of lettuce, tomato, cumber A little splash of light Italian dressing. - very cute in homey bowls.
It was so yummy, I'm learning and loving, already, simpler types of food just as they are on there own, Usually you eat a potato with bacon and bolognese and cheese and sour cream...all piled high! It was a nice experience to experience the baked potato just as humble and tasty as it was. - Let’s see if it keeps hubby full though.

Our Sat night dessert is: Apple crumble pie. Very rustic, yet no custard, cream, or ice-cream (that was a tense moment for hubby who loves his ice-cream). 

Yet we both found the 'feast' was in the cinnamon apple and enjoyed every mouthful. YUM!
The crumble we made from almond meal and macadamia nuts, cornflour and a dob of butter.

See you again tmrw. xx

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