Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 1

The 7:54 moment: I have survived the first day except there was no exercise grrrrrr!!! Tomorrow out come the sneakers!!! All in all we are happy but I am wondering how long it will take to run out of recipe ideas...

...oh and  please we need your help 'save hubby' and share your polenta recipe.

 I am so excited about this challenge. However it is easy to want to be healthy, it's the 'do' that's the hard bit. 
Having to make the disciplined choice when takeaway would be easy because I'm tooo tired or indulging in my favorite chocolate because I can, hey I'm an adult - we can do what we want???? No! We are the ones who have to make the choice for ourselves and for our children to be who we want to be. 
I want to be healthy, I want to be confident about my body, it's not perfect, but I can help it be the best it can be. I want my children to be healthy and to grow up with a respect for food and exercise and go on to make  their own great choices. I want my hubby to have a partner who is looking out for his health too. We are off and running.

Breakfast: Found these cute glasses at the shops last night to inspire us to drink our fresh juice - 'juice happiness'. 
At $2 each they were worth it and my girls loved drinking their juice out of the bright cheery cups this morning. Ok, so did I and hubby too.
So we had fresh pineapple and pear juice, it was yummy happy. The stewed pear was ok, properly should cook it for longer. Honey on cornflour pikelets the kids gobbled up while hubby went solo on his disgusting mushy polenta.

Lunch: Soup and homemade gluten free flour flat breads. The soup tasted slightly better then dog water, but was saved by dipping my hubbys yummy flat breads in it. 

1.58pm: Really want a big old sugar rush..right now... sob oh well air will do.

4.00pm: Had a homemade 'Soy' Cappuccino - interesting.

Dinner: Roast pumpkin, rocket with pine nuts, basil, a drizzle of greek yogurt, and onion = delish. - I could eat this every night.

See you tomorrow. xx

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